Perry County Health Department

Adult Mosquito Spray Information:  For the 2024 Mosquito Spray Season

Schedule will be tentative and may vary at any time depending on weather, events, and product availability. Locations may rotate weekly.  Not every location will be sprayed every week. 

Monday – Roseville, Glenford, Thornville/Thornport

Tuesday – Corning, Shawnee, New Straitsville, Hemlock

Wednesday – New Lexington, Junction City, Somerset

Thursday – Community Events and Weather Makeup


  • Adult Mosquito Spraying will occur at various times between the hours of 7:00pm through 12:00am, times will depend on weather and daylight change throughout the season.
  • Spraying will occur within incorporated villages, focusing on public spaces. (parks, schools, camps, fairgrounds)
  • Other events will have focus including fairs, festivals, holiday events, school activities, or other large gatherings.
  • Efforts will be made to address other problem areas and detected virus locations as the season progresses.


La Crosse Virus

Perry County Confirms First Ohio Human Case of La Crosse Virus Disease in 2023


Larva and Adult Mosquito Control

One of the main incentives that motivates our department to spray is the elimination of the mosquito that transmits the West Nile Virus. The virus causes flu-like symptoms that in a small percentage of the population can lead to very serious complications. People who have symptoms – including high fever, headache, muscle aches, vomiting and loss of appetite – two to 15 days after a mosquito bite should see their doctor and tell him or her about the encounter. 


Mosquito Testing

Part of the Mosquito Control Program consists of mosquito trapping and testing. Periodically during mosquito season, mosquito traps are set at various locations across the county. These traps are designed to capture mosquitos in order to be counted and sent to the Ohio Department of Health for West Nile Virus testing. These tests help our department to focus mosquito control practices on certain areas of need or that have viruses present.


How can I protect my family and myself?

Mosquito viruses cannot be transferred from person to person so the best way to prevent mosquito borne illnesses is to protect yourself. Avoid outdoor activities if possible during peak mosquito hours (Dusk and Dawn, after dark). Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing. Use approved mosquito spray on skin and clothing. Products containing Deet work most effectively against mosquitos. Remove all standing water from around your house and yard (barrels, planters, gutters). For more information, check out the Ohio Department of Health's website or contact the health department.


Vector Borne Disease Surveillance Information

For vector-borne disease surveillance information, including updates on tick borne diseases and travel associated (imported) vector-borne disease cases, visit the website at, which is updated every Friday.