Perry County Health Department

The Children with Medical Handicaps (CMH) Program is a healthcare program sponsored by the Ohio Department of Health. The CMH program links families of children with special healthcare needs to a network of quality providers and helps families obtain payment for the services their children need.
The CMH mission is to assure, through the development and support of high quality, coordinated systems, that children with special healthcare needs and their families ovtain comprehensive care and services that are family centered, community based, and culturally sensitive.
, option 2 to learn more.
Those who:
- Are age 0-23
- Are permanent residents of Ohio
- Have or may have a chronic medical condition
Some of the eligible conditions are:
- Cancer
- Cerebral palsy
- Cleft lip/palate
- Chronic lung disease
- Congenital heart disease
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Diabetes
- Hearing loss
- Hemophilia
- Juvenile arthritis
- Metabolic disorders
- Scoliosis
- Severe vision disturbances
- Sickle Cell Disease
- Spina bifida
CMH has three programs to help children with special health care needs. All services must be given by CMH approved providers.
Diagnostic Program
Children can receive services for up to six months, from CMH-approved providers, to rule out or diagnose a special health care need or establish a plan of treatment. These services may include:
- Tests and x-rays
- Therapy evaluations
- Public health nursing services
- Visits to CMH-approved doctors
Up to five days in the hospital
Treatment Program
Children can receive services for one year, from CMH-approved providers, for treatment of an eligible condition. Both medical and financial eligibility are required for the Treatment Program.
- Laboratory tests and x-rays
- Physician visits
- Prescription medications
- Medical equipment and supplies
- Surgeries and hospitalizations
- Public health nursing services
- Therapies
- Service coordination
All services must be related to the child’s eligible condition. If the child remains eligible, services may be renewed each year until the child reaches age 23.
Service Coordination Program
The Service Coordination Program This program helps families locate and coordinate services for their child. This is a limited program available to children, with specific conditions, who are seen by a team of providers at hospitals approved by CMH for service coordination.
- Call the Perry County Health Department at 740-342-5179, option 2.
- Visit the Ohio Department of Health’s website: Children with Medical Handicaps
- Call the Perry County Health Department at 740-342-5179, option 2.
- Children with Medical Handicaps (CMH) Provider Directory
Medical Application Form (MAF)
This form is used to apply to the CMH (Children with Medical Handicaps) program. This form MUST be filled out with the help of an approved CMH provider.